Welcome to the MIT REAP Global Program
Brand Hub
As a Participant, Regional Staff Member, or Community Advocate of an MIT REAP Global program, branded assets are available to publicize you and your regional team’s participation, progress, and accomplishments.
The following are branded terms and assets along with important MIT usage policies. For a complete listing of all usage policies and guidelines, please refer to the Participant Acknowledgment of Terms HERE.
Assets may only be utilized while you are participating in MIT REAP – not before your cohort’s launch or after the completion of your program.
Branded Terms and Definitions
When using the following terms, please adhere to the guidelines below:
- MIT REAP Name: In the first instance of a formal communication, always refer to the MIT REAP initiative by its full name, MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program, and as MIT REAP in all subsequent usages.
- MIT REAP Program Names: MIT REAP has two primary programs: Global and Focus. Your region is participating in the MIT REAP Global program.
- Your Global Program Name: The name of your region’s MIT REAP Global program team is MIT REAP + YOUR REGION NAME (i.e.: MIT REAP Caldas, Colombia).
- Participant: Each Global program is comprised of 8-12 Participants. A Participant is tuitioned into the MIT REAP program, is featured on the MIT REAP website, and attends all MIT REAP workshops and Action Phase calls.
- Regional Staff Member: Participants may choose to work with paid employees of partner organizations, or to employ independent contractors, as Regional Staff Members to assist with critical tasks such as communications and PR. Regional Staff Members are not tuitioned into the MIT REAP program and do not attend MIT REAP workshops.
- Community Advocate: Global program teams can also include an unlimited number of Community Advocates who are integral to the success of the program. Community Advocates are sector-specific professionals, students, engineers, business owners, community leaders, and others who wish to support and advocate on behalf of the MIT REAP team. Community Advocates are volunteers, are not tuitioned into the MIT REAP program, and do not attend MIT REAP workshops. They do not represent the team or MIT.
- Champion: A Champion is a highly engaged Participant who acts as a primary leader of their team.
- Project Manager: A Project Manager is the Participant who manages team logistics across the program duration.
- Data Rockstar: A Data Rockstar is the Participant who gathers private and public data and analyzes statistical progress towards the team’s goals across the program duration.
- RGN: The MIT REAP Global Network, an active, online networking community of MIT REAP Global and Focus program graduates (Participants only). MIT convenes the RGN on campus and in global locations periodically.
A current or alumni team can:
- Use the MIT REAP name for informational purposes, such as under the “About” section of their website
- Describe their team or initiative’s relationship with MIT REAP as “in participation with MIT REAP”
A current or alumni team cannot:
- Use the MIT REAP name for any sales or profit purposes
- Use the MIT REAP logo on their own website or publications
Please contact MIT REAP Assistant Director Mollie Laffin-Rose Agbiboa at mollielr@mit.edu to inquire about other uses of the MIT REAP name.
Customized Team Logo Use
Use of the MIT REAP, MIT Sloan, MIT Sloan Global Programs, or any other Institute logo is prohibited.
MIT REAP has created a customized team logo for participant use in your region. The following are important policies to follow regarding the use of your customized team logo. Use your customized team logo:
- At MIT REAP-hosted events only. (Please see the “Non-MIT REAP Events” section below for additional guidelines.)
- On MIT REAP program communications, print or digital:
- Please place the logo on solid backgrounds only, and not on patterned backgrounds or over photographs.
- Please do not place the logo at an angle, apply a drop shadow to the logo, stretch the logo, apply an outline to the logo, join the logo with any icons to create a new logo, or apply a texture or pattern to the logo.
- On regional apparel and swag:
- If apparel or swag item is not in the MIT REAP brand color palette, please opt for white or black swag.
- Download the MIT REAP color palette HERE.
- On business networking platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram:
- When using for your organization or personal profile, the team logo must be accompanied by a clear explanation of affiliation in the following format:
- MIT REAP Participant or Organization Name, Cohort #, Region Name, Years (e.g.: Participant Name, Cohort 8, Caldas, Colombia, 2021–2023)
Do not use your customized team logo, or any other MIT logo:
- On business cards or within email signatures.
- In personal presentations (e.g. PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) or in any other documents not directly related to MIT REAP or in the scope of assigned work and projects.
MIT REAP Brand Color Palette and Fonts
When designing social media posts, presentations, swag, or any other program demonstrative, please refer to the MIT REAP brand color palette and fonts for color and text options. If an apparel or swag item is not in the MIT REAP brand color family, please opt for solid white or black apparel or swag.
CLICK HERE to download the MIT REAP brand color palette.
CLICK HERE to download the MIT REAP document fonts.
Sharing of MIT REAP Program Content
- Copyright: All MIT REAP program content is copyrighted by MIT. No ownership or license rights to the same shall be transferred to any Global program Participant. Participants are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly reproducing, distributing, publicly displaying and/or publicly performing, in print, electronic, or any other medium, copies of the program content, in whole or in part. No Participant may record or videotape any portion of a workshop except with the prior written consent of MIT REAP.
- Open source content: MIT REAP open source content can be shared, but not altered or used commercially, and must have proper attribution.
Non-MIT REAP Events
- If your regional team is co-hosting or participating in an event that is not directly coordinated by MIT REAP, then all other participating organization names must be submitted to MIT REAP for review/approval prior to the event. Submit organization names to MIT REAP Assistant Director Mollie Laffin-Rose Agbiboa at mollielr@mit.edu for review and written approval.
- All MIT REAP team logo usage at non-MIT REAP events (signage, collateral, presentation, swag, etc.) must be approved by MIT REAP prior to the event. Contact MIT REAP Assistant Director Mollie Laffin-Rose Agbiboa at mollielr@mit.edu for review and written approval.
MIT REAP Social Media Accounts
Please follow MIT REAP Social Media Accounts and always use the hashtag #MITREAP in your posts.
Press Release Templates
MIT REAP has crafted template press releases, with approved MIT REAP leadership quotes, for your optional use when announcing key program milestones. If you are crafting a press release to publicize a topic other than the milestones listed below, the press release must be approved by MIT REAP Assistant Director Mollie Laffin-Rose Agbiboa prior to publication. Contact Mollie at mollielr@mit.edu for review and approval.
Click on the milestone below to download the template press release:
MIT REAP Global Program Team Logos and Art
Click your team name below to download your customized logo and approved social media art.
MIT REAP Global Program Cohort 8 Logos
MIT REAP Global Program Cohort 9 Logos
- Des Moines, USA
- Dominican Republic
- Hungary
- Kansas City, USA
- Omaha, USA
- Piauí, Brazil
- St. Louis, USA
- Western Australia
MIT REAP Global Program Cohort 10 Logos
- Java, Indonesia
- Guatemala
- Palestine
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Suriname
- Almaty, Kazakhstan