Dive into useful resources that can help you with your MIT REAP application.
MIT REAP – Acceleration and Impact through Collaboration
MIT REAP Infographic
Overview – MIT REAP: Achieving Economic Growth Through Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship
MIT REAP Team Assembly Guide
The Ideal MIT REAP Team
MIT REAP – Global Innovation Network (RGN) Overview
The Startup Cartography Project
What is a “Deep Tech venture” and why should corporate innovators care?
Accelerating Innovation Ecosystems: The Promise and Challenges of Regional Innovation Engines
Report Summary: Deep-Tech Entrepreneurship in Spain (en español)
MIT’s Stakeholder Framework for Building & Accelerating Innovation Ecosystems
Beyond Innovation Tourism
Deep-tech entrepreneurship in Spain
What is “Deep Tech” and what are Deep Tech Ventures?
Nigeria’s ‘New Oil’: Fueling the Growth of the Music Industry in Lagos through Entrepreneurship
A systematic MIT approach for assessing ‘innovation-driven entrepreneurship’ in ecosystems (iEcosystems)
Where is Silicon Valley?
Nowcasting and Placecasting: Entrepreneurial Quality and Performance
Kendall Square & MIT: Innovation Ecosystems and the University
Can Equity Crowdfunding Democratize Access to Capital and Investment Opportunities?
A New View of the Skew: A Quantitative Assessment of the Quality of American Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and Innovation at MIT: Continuing Global Growth and Impact
State of American Entrepreneurship: New Estimates of the Quantity and Quality of Entrepreneurship for 15 US States, 1988-2014
Linking and Leveraging
A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs
Understanding the Drivers of National Innovative Capacity
Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT
Grand Innovation Prizes: A Theoretical, Normative, and Empirical Evaluation
Accelerators, and the Regional Supply of VC Investment
Innovation Prizes in Practice and Theory
The character of innovative places: entrepreneurial strategy, economic development, and prosperity
Clusters and entrepreneurship
Defining Clusters of Related Industries
Location, Competition, and Economic Development: Local Clusters in a Global Economy
Towards an Internet of Trusted Data: A New Framework for Identity and Data Sharing
Are Syndicates the Killer App of Equity Crowdfunding?
Resource Consumption of New Urban Construction in China
Urban Metabolism of the Global South
Some Simple Economics of Crowdfunding
Do Crowds have the Wisdom to Self-Organize?
The Wisdom of the intermediary: the role, function, and way-of-being of the intermediary in a strategic program for university-industry relations
The Effects of Cluster Policy on Innovation
How Public Policy Can Support Collective Impact
Inside-Out: Regional Networks and Industrial Adaptation in Silicon Valley and Route 128
The Magic Roundabout: Exploring a young digital cluster in Inner East London
Evaluating a Startup Venture
The Puzzle of Japanese Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Philanthropy’s New Agenda: Creating Value
London and its ‘Tech City’: Accelerating an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Singapore: An Entrepreneurial Entrepôt?
Entrepreneurial Migration
MIT REAP Team Andalusia Case Study
MIT REAP Team Scotland Case Study
Dubai Executive Summary
Iceland Executive Summary
Lagos Executive Summary
Lima Executive Summary
Nova Scotia Executive Summary