Pascale Delcomminette
ChampionCEO, Wallonia Foreign Trade & Investment (AWEX) + Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI)
The Region of Wallonia sits in the Southern part of Belgium and is primarily French-speaking. The Region is dedicated to fast-tracking its post-Covid-19 Recovery Plan labeled “Get Up Wallonia”. Acting as an overarching compass, the European Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) guides Wallonia’s strategic policy framework and aims at catalyzing long-lasting prosperity.
MIT REAP Team Wallonia includes stakeholders from Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI), Wallonia Trade & Investment(AWEX), Administration of the Regional Government of Wallonia (SPW), University of Mons, La SMALA, AMB Ecosteryl, AGC Glass, Brussels South Charleroi BioPark, AGORIA, I-Care, LeanSquare, The Faktory Fund, and Société Régionale d’Investissement de Wallonie.
Ability to develop new to the world innovations from inception through to the market.
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Ability to start and build new to the world businesses from inception to maturity.
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