
The MIT REAP team from Andalusia initially included five representatives, from each of the five elements of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. One team member was engaged in a public-private partnership to create a health Sciences cluster, and had experience with all five elements of the ecosystem. A sixth member was added during the program and contributed to the final workshop. To learn more about the team’s strategy please visit the “Team Strategy” tabs below.

Team Members

Risk Capital

Innovation Ecosystem Stakeholder Model

Lourdes Núñez Muller
Director of Knowledge Transfer at Granada Health Tech Park
Ramón Gonzáles Carvajal
Secretary-General of Research, Development and Innovation in Health
Javier Gutierrez Rumbao
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Advisor
Juan Manuel Carrasco Solís
Co-founder - GPTech
Ignacio Ochoa Mendoza
Director of Government and Businesses for the Southern Region
Ángel Ortiz Sánchez

Team Strategy

  • Challenge & Opportunity
  • Strategy & Action
  • Ongoing Progress
  • In the Spanish region of Andalusia, the biggest barrier to economic development was the high rate of unemployment among its young but well-educated population.
  • Andalusia has existing clusters, but not all are internationally competitive or connected to global networks. Andalusia has not yet achieved competitiveness within the EU (based on GDP per capita).
  • Through MIT REAP, Andalusia hoped to access resources, such as knowledge, practices, and examples to map out a forward-looking vision of the ecosystem, generate ideas and launch initiatives to foster Innovation-Based Entrepreneurship (IBE) as a key driver of change.
  • Lourdes Nunez Muller, Director of Knowledge Transfer, Parque Tecnológico de la Salud (PTS), a science park based in Granada, Spain, sees MIT REAP as an opportunity to learn how to leverage the workforce potential through entrepreneurship, “MIT REAP helped us see how to link the innovation capacity with the entrepreneurship capacity. The program gave us all the tools that put it in the environment that really fosters innovation-driven entrepreneurship.”
  • Strategic Intervention(s):
    • The team focused on two initiatives—
      • Voice of the Entrepreneurs, a day-long workshop with the goal of identifying the real needs of entrepreneurs in the region.
      • A Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with Telefónica with the goal of developing the IDE ecosystem in Andalucía.
  • In 2016, European Commission approved ACTTiVAte, a three-year-long project funded by the European Union, to support innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises and foster the smart reindustrialization of Europe.
    • Granada Health Technology Park (PTS Granada) will be one of the key participants in this project.
    • ACTTiVAte will benefit Andalusia’s entrepreneurs providing direct funding for innovative small- and medium-seized enterprises (SME).
    • ACTTiVAte will conduct activities aimed at creating a favorable environment for SME innovation: brokerage events, mentoring, coaching, and mobility and exchange programs, and large-scale project demonstrations, among other initiatives.
    • The Granada Health Technology Park (PTS Granada) will participate as a health related cluster organization.

Andalusia Case Study


Core Regional Metrics

Economic & Social Progress

Social progress and economic prosperity as a collective measure of development in a region.

Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurial Ecosystems are regional environments that effectively support startups focused on addressing global markets based on technological, process or business model innovation.

Innovation Capacity

Ability to develop new to the world innovations from inception through to the market.



-Funding for research
-Government programs


-Pool of innovators
-Education in tech and commercialization




-Nature of established companies in region

World Bank - WDI


Coming soon!

Culture & Community

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Entrepreneurial Capacity

Ability to start and build new to the world businesses from inception to maturity.



-New business creation policy
-Business law and business policy

World Bank - WDI


-Government, corporate and consumer demand for new products and services

World Bank - WDI


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Culture & Community

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Team News

October 15, 2013

España repite participación en el MIT REAP

March 22, 2017

MIT & ECB Conference in Frankfurt, Germany- Fostering innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the European Union