
MIT iEcosystem Symposium: Call for Concepts

May 9, 2017

Hosted by: MIT Innovation Initiative, MIT Lab for Innovation Science and Policy & MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program

MIT iEcosystem Symposium
October 12-13, 2017 @ MIT
Call for Concepts, Issued May 9, 2017

**2nd Round Submission Deadline: July 14, 2017 @ 11:59 pm EST

How do multi-stakeholder initiatives and programs accelerate innovation ecosystems?

Multi-stakeholder programs and initiatives that develop, drive and inform innovation ecosystems [1] are critical to their success. The MIT iEcosystem Symposium aims to highlight the important role these programs play and to help understand what inputs, outputs, and features drive outcomes.

Through this call for concepts, we aim to build a knowledge base of models for novel programs and initiatives, collect information regarding design, implementation and best practices, and explore the policies, stakeholder linkages, or other factors critical to their success. The Symposium tracks will be built around the concepts received, focusing on the stages, program types, policies, or collaborations of greatest interest, for example: early-stage acceleration, venture acceleration, or industry-startup partnerships.

This call for concepts is meant for a range of organizations and stakeholders. All ideas are welcome. We are particularly interested in submissions showcasing collaborations across multiple stakeholders (entrepreneurs, risk capital, corporate, university, and government). Example submissions include programs or initiatives that originated:

  • In the university in partnership with corporate and risk capital stakeholders: e.g., The Engine
  • In global corporations in partnership with universities and governments: e.g., JPMorgan Chase Global Cities, Vertex-STEM program
  • In the government in collaboration with university and corporate: e.g., MIT Lincoln Labs – MIT Beaverworks, U.S. Small Business Administration’s Accelerator Initiative
  • In the entrepreneurial community in partnership with government and industry: e.g., Greentown Labs, CIC, WeWork

Submissions should include: (1) a one-page “Programs, Policies and Interventions” template in the form provided; and (2) a short briefing (2 pages or less) description of the programmatic model in the form provided. We encourage cross-cutting exploration of metrics, policies, collective impact and core program goals (e.g. inclusive innovation, economic impact, social progress, etc.) in all proposals.

Key Benefits and Opportunities

  • Speakers for the Symposium will be drawn from submissions received
  • Admission fees will be waived for invited speakers
  • MIT Lab for Innovation Science and Policy will post select submissions on its webpage as a resource for the broader community
  • Symposium will also highlight key upcoming announcements, please let us know if you have anything to submit (example: new innovation ecosystem center being opened, or public-private partnership being announced)

Directions for Submission

  • Complete the PPI and briefing templates (PPT slide + Adobe form) to describe your program or initiative
  • Follow instructions on the templates
  • Submit to mitii_symposium@mit.edu no later than June 15, 2017 midnight EST
  • If submission is not formatted to specifications provided, submission may be returned with a request for re-formatting
  • By submitting, you are giving the consent of your program to publish your submission.

Submitter Requirements

  • Submitter should be the lead entity for the program, policy, or initiative developed
  • Submitter should collaborate with relevant partners before submitting (to avoid duplicate submissions)
  • Submitter must be an authorized officer of the program

Download submission materials: PPI + briefing templates. Submissions are due July 14, 2017 by 11:59 pm EST.

Questions? Contact: MITii_symposium@mit.edu

[1] Innovation Ecosystems are places, like Silicon Valley and Kendall Square, where multiple stakeholders collaborate to support innovation and entrepreneurship often around related clusters of economic activity.

– See more at: https://innovation.mit.edu/opportunity/mit-iecosystem-symposium-call-concepts/#sthash.uJIOBDQ7.dpuf